Face Embedding and what you need to know

Uysim Ty
2 min readJul 31, 2023


Face recognition is one of the features in computer vision that has gained popularity recently. Being able to identify a person in the photo and video, we can not miss the understanding of face embedding. In this post, I’ll cover all the basic things you need to know about face embedding.

What is face embedding

Face embedding is the way a machine stores a face from the feature extraction into a vector array. Normally, this kind of vector array has lengths of 128, 512, etc. The most popular case so far is 128. This vector array will be used to compare with another face by distance, similarity, or face search.

Distance and Similarity

Face distance is the matrix that we can use to compare the different between two faces. From that distance, we can decide whether both faces are matched.

Euclidean distance

Euclidean distance is the most popular distance metric measurement in face match to calculate the distance between 2 vectors.

To calculate the euclidean distance between vector a and vector b with numpy

distance = np.linalg.norm(a - b)

Cosine similarity

Cosine similarity is a similarity metric to measure the angle between 2 vectors

To calculate cosine similarity between vector a and vector b with numpy

similarity = np.dot(a, b) / (np.linalg.norm(a) * np.linalg.norm(b))

Use Case

  • Biometric Authentication: Face embedding has been using face matched or face authentication.
  • Identify a person in video or photo: The storing of face vectors has been used for face searches to match people in computer vision


Understand face embedding is the key point in face recognition. We can use both distance above to apply threshold in order to consider 2 faces are matched.

WRITER at MLearning.ai // Control AI Video // Personal AI Art Model

